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Talamel ( तालमेल ) means Synergy.
Our mission: Reduce healthcare costs and increase patient, provider and staff satisfaction by eliminating friction and accelerating human-centric solutions.
There are many reasons the USA healthcare system is grossly inefficient. At Talamel we focus on the following:
Insufficient INTER-entity synergy. To improve member outcomes we need to pull admin work & cost out of the balloon. Too many initiatives focus on squeezing the balloon, focusing on one entity, which only serves to cost shift and generate distrust. Payors, Provider Groups, Hospitals, SNFs, UCCs, and home health all need to work together. Our Discharge Planning framework is an example of our technology-enabled service lines. Contact us to learn more.
Insufficient INTRA-entity synergy. Breaking down department siloes is not enough. Companies must use an integrated approach to Define, Plan, and Execute on expense reduction initiatives. In our experience this is the biggest driver for cost overruns. And most consulting companies are content with the status quo as it generates more revenue. Click here to learn more
We have an average of 18 years in Cost Of Healthcare reduction for payors, facilities, and provider groups. We are united in our frustration with healthcare costs, and we have chosen to spend our time and money to stem them because if not us, then who?
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